If you are looking for an espresso machine that combines functionality and design, we recommend using Breville espresso machine. These machines bring exceptional benefits to the production of great flavored drinks. In this case, the two machines that you can look for in Breville are Breville Infuser and Bambino Plus.
There are many similarities between the two features of the Breville infuser vs bambino espresso machine. So customers have a hard time understanding the difference, and they are confused about which of these espresso machines is more useful.
To eliminate this confusion of customers, we have described the similarities and differences between Breville infuser and Breville bambino espresso machines. Most of the users prefer the Breville Bambino Plus machine in terms of features and quality. These machines come with all the functional features to make a great cup of coffee without much hassle, Which has been discussed in detail.
Why is the Breville Bambino Plus is Much better?
The Breville Bambino Plus is even more useful than the infuser due to having some extra convenience features. If you are thinking of choosing between these two espresso machines then we suggest you use Breville Bambino Plus.
- Where the infuser espresso machine takes more than 30 seconds to heat, the Breville Bambino Plus takes only 3 seconds. This means that if you want to make quick coffee then Breville Bambino Plus is more convenient for you.
- If you are thinking of easy portability when buying an espresso machine, then Breville Bambino Plus should be the best choice for you. Because it weighs only 3.1 pounds. On the other hand, The infuser espresso machine weighs 17 pounds.
- A big difference between Breville bambino plus vs infuser is the capacity of their water tanks. The water tank capacity of the Infuser Espresso Machine is 61 oz and the capacity of Bambino Plus is 64 oz. That means using Bambino Plus you can get rid of the stress of pouring water over and over again.
- The Bambino Plus machine comes with a longer warranty than the Breville infuser to ensure tension-free use.
Similar Features between Breville Infuser vs Bambino Espresso Machine
The Breville infuser vs bambino coffee machine has many similarities in features that will give you the same benefits when making coffee. The matches are:
- The interface of these machines is controlled by buttons.
- Both espresso machines have a compact footprint to take up space nicely on the countertop.
- These two machines are very useful for always getting cafe-quality microfoam.
- Breville infuser and bambino machines are made of stainless steel material.
- These espresso machines have digital temperature control systems to deliver water at the right temperature.
What are the key features of Breville Infuser and Bambino Espresso Machine?
Between Breville infuser vs bambino, Breville Bambino takes up less space on the countertop. Weighing just 3.1 pounds, this espresso machine is 12.2 inches high, 12.5 inches long, and 7.6 inches wide. As a result, it can be carried very easily. On the other hand, the Breville infuser espresso machine is 13.7 inches wide, 11.5 inches long, and 13.25 inches high. This machine weighs 18 pounds which is much more than Bambino.
3 Seconds Heat-up Time
The Breville Bambino Plus is ideal for coffee lovers who want to make their favorite coffee very quickly. The thermojet heating system of this machine allows you to achieve the temperature in just 3 seconds. On the other hand, the infuser machine takes more than 30 seconds to reach the temperature. This means that if you want to make quick coffee you can use the Breville Bambino Plus Espresso machine.
The Breville Infuser and Bambino Plus machines come with a button control interface that makes the devices more comfortable to use. Made of stainless steel material, these machines have a compact footprint. The Bambino machine is easy to use by controlling shots and temperature. On the other hand, the infuser machine has an analog display to easily control espresso shots.
Cafe Quality Microfoam
These Breville machines can create the perfect milk texture to get Cafe Quality Microfoam in espresso every time. The Breville Infuser and Bambino Plus Espresso machines are very effective in making Barista quality microfoam for you by adjusting the temperature of the milk according to your taste. They are also used for flavored latte art.
Full Flavor
Breville Infuser and Bambino Machine use the same amount of freshly ground espresso beans as beverages to create a fully flavored espresso drink. Freshly ground beans taste great and make a perfect drink. Both the Breville Infuser and Bambino machines have digital temperature control technology that allows users to customize drinks according to their very own preferences.
Low-Pressure Pre-Infusion
After the machine is started, the low-pressure pre-charge gradually increases the pressure and ensures the taste of the whole bean. Breville Infuser and Bambino have high-pressure extraction processes where 15 bar high-efficiency pressure pumps are used.
Although the two machines are strong and durable, the Breville Bambino Plus machine comes with a two-year warranty to fix any defective parts or other raised issues. On the other hand, the infuser machine has a limited one-year warranty for its maintenance and repair. That means the Breville Bambino Plus machine provides one year more warranty than the infuser machine.
FAQ About Breville Infuser vs Bambino Espresso Machine
Do these machines have slip mode?
What is the Water Reservoir Capacity of these two machines?
Do these espresso machines grind beans?
Final Verdict
After analyzing all the similarities and differences of Breville infuser vs bambino, it can be said that Breville bambino is more effective than infuser due to its good water tank capacity, warranty period, and other simple features. It also fits easily in any part of your kitchen due to its small size. However, if you are interested in learning or if you have no problem with space, the Breville infuser may be right for you.